2025 夕陽小鎮虛擬音樂節《燒胎祭》
由 夕陽音樂、涅所未來 攜手打造的虛擬小鎮又回來了!!4.19/20 ♦ 4.26/27 連續兩週末,賽車與音樂的碰撞只在 2025 年的夕陽小鎮虛擬音樂節《燒胎祭》
曾經與世隔絕的夕陽小鎮,經歷了 2023 年的音樂祭後開始被世人所知,成為人們嚮往的夢幻島嶼。2023 與外界交流之後,小鎮居民心中種下了野心的種子,他們帶著更加開放的心,準備了最獨一無二的嶄新祭典:燒胎祭。
2025 年,夕陽小鎮即將再度開放遊客入場,這次不僅只是散步觀光、音樂 LIVE、海灘美景,更增添了冒險刺激的環島飆車賽事,每個人都有機會成為「燒胎祭」中最閃亮的主角,獲取難以想像的榮譽與獎品。
4 月連續兩週末,線上演出將由明華園搶先為演出揭開序曲!4月19日當日更有《燒胎祭》精心為鎮民準備的線下動土典禮同樂活動,將由鎮長及小鎮貴賓出席、小鎮藝人現場演出、燒胎賽車生死鬥、多組品牌攤位進駐!更多活動資訊,請鎖定夕陽小鎮官方社群!
🏁 演出藝人名單 LINEUP
吳赫 OHHYUK/巨大的轟鳴 Gigantic Roar/非人物種 Inhuman/JOYCE/李紅REDLEE/Gummy B/潮州土狗 CZ Dogg/非密閉空間 Non-Confined Space/Ń7ä and more….
更多藝人即將公佈,請鎖定夕陽小鎮 Instagram!
More artists will be announced! Stay tuned to Sunset Town’s Instagram!
早鳥鎮民最划算,4 日任你選!
此票種僅限觀看 單日 的小鎮線上演出,欲參加不同日期需另購門票。
此票種為 雙日 線上套票,分為「第一週 4.19/20」與「第二週 4.26/27」,恕無法拆售。
|動土典禮同樂票| 線下活動
4.19(六)16:00 - 21:00|臺北花博遠東流行館 (台北市中山區玉門街1號)
活動時間|每日 17:00 開放登入,演出 18:00 開始,節目總長約 180 分鐘,依實際狀況為準。
活動地點|「夕陽小鎮 SUNSET TOWN」線上體驗平台
購票方式|僅限 KKTIX 網站購票
活動時間|16:00 - 21:00
票 價|4/19 動土典禮同樂票 NT$999
售票時間|2025/1/15(三)中午12:00 起售
● 本活動為遊戲式線上體驗, 4 月 19 日當天另有實體「動土典禮同樂活動」。
● 購票成功後,您將由電子郵件收到「登入序號 (Serial Code)」。
● 「線上體驗平台下載網址」及「驗票操作說明」將統一於您所購買之活動日當日早上,由電子郵件提供。
● 每張票提供 1 組登入序號,如未收到信件,請詢問 KKTIX 客服。
● 每組序號同一時間僅限 1 個裝置登入,請勿外流觀看連結及登入序號,避免影響觀看權益。
● 為確保體驗順暢,建議以有獨立顯卡的電競型 windows 電腦或搭載m1以上晶片的Mac電腦,在穩定網路環境下進行體驗。
● 相關規定以活動官網公告為主,主辦單位保留加場、修改、終止及調整演出內容的權利。
𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱 𝗦𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗲𝘁 𝗧𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗩𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹 - 𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗢𝗨𝗧
Once a secluded sunset town, this dreamy island became the talk of the world after the epic 2023 music festival. Now, with its doors open to the outside world, ambition has taken root in the hearts of the locals. They’re ready to unveil the most unique celebration: the BURNOUT Festival.
In 2025, Sunset Town will reopen and welcome visitors. This time, it's more than just beach strolls, live music, and breathtaking views. Get ready for the ultimate thrill—a high-octane island-wide racing event! Everyone can become the star of BURNOUT Fest, winning unimaginable glory and prizes.
From the moment you step onto the island, you’re a challenger. Joining one of the island’s three major factions — A-Class Family, Long Gong Clan and Stir-fried Eighty Nine — to begin your racing journey. With your wits and courage, you’ll unlock your custom ride and receive cheers from faction-aligned performers. So, buckle up! Start your engines, because it’s time to band together and race toward the future!
For two consecutive weekends in April, the online performances will kick off with a grand opening by the Ming Hwa Yuan Arts Troupe! Join us on April 19 for the Burnout Festival Groundbreaking Celebration Ceremony, featuring appearances by the mayor and distinguished guests, live performances by local town artists, an exhilarating tire-burning race showdown, and a variety of curated market stalls. Stay tuned to Sunset Town’s official social channels for more event updates!
Are you in for the new ride?
🏁 Types of Tickets
| One Day Pass |
Best value for early bird fans — pick any of the 4 dates!
This ticket grants access to a single-day online performance. Tickets for different dates must be purchased separately.
|Week Pass|
Double the days, double the fun!
This ticket is a week pass, available in two options:
Note: Tickets cannot be split or sold separately.
|Groundbreaking Celebration Ceremony Ticket|Offline Event
4/19 (Sat) | 16:00 - 21:00 | Yuanshan EcoARK(No.1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan)
Join the mayor and Sunset Town VIPs at this special event! Enjoy street performances by town artists, thrilling race car battles, and unique food and craft stalls.
🏁 Event Information
● Dates: 2025/4/19 (Sat), 4/20 (Sun), 4/26 (Sat), 4/27 (Sun)
● Time: Log-in opens at 17:00 daily, and performances start at 18:00 PM. The total program duration is approximately 180 minutes, subject to change.
● Location: SUNSET TOWN Online Metaverse Platform
● Tickets on sale: Starting 12:00 PM, January 15, 2025
● How to buy: Tickets are available exclusively on the KKTIX website
● Organizers: Sunset Music, NAXS Studio
● Co-organizers: FORMOSA MADE
● Supported by: TAICCA
🏁 Ticket Purchase Notes
根據文化部訂定『藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項』第六項「退、換票機制」之規定共有四種方案之退換票規定,本節目採用方案三:消費者請求退換票之時限為演出日前20日(不含演出日),但消費者於退換票時限屆至前購買,迄於時限屆至後始收受票券或於開演前仍未收受票券者,亦得退換票,全家取票因購買當日便可取票則不適用此規範;請求退換票日期以收到退票申請日或實體票券寄達日為準,退票需酌收票面金額10%手續費,退票期限詳見各售票頁說明,請詳閱 KKTIX退換票規定。